Walk, run or cycle. That’s the choice our employees faced when considering how best to fundraise for our new charity partner, ben. It turns out, the answer was all three! Collectively, our team of ambitious athletes took part in the Euro Car Parts Ben Challenge covering either five, ten or twenty kilometres from our branches across the UK.
Many employees in the modern workforce tend to spend a lot of time at a desk, in meetings or travelling for business. It can be a rather sedentary experience, but we all do our best to keep up some form of exercise regimen. Once in a while though, it can be great to set aside some work time and really stretch the legs, put a few miles under them, get the blood pumping and the sweat dripping. That’s why Euro Car Parts staff from across the country became athletes for the week!
The Euro Car Parts Ben Challenge
As one unified company, we walked, ran or cycled five, ten or twenty kilometres in a country-wide relay event that visited numerous Euro Car Parts branches. I also did my part – in fact, myself and Anthony McAteer joined each of the relay routes at some point over the week, alongside our 200 + colleagues as they traversed the country.
With only five days to complete the challenge, the routes were split into several separate relays, starting at hub locations like Manchester, Glasgow, Plymouth and Basingstoke. The routes all converged on the final day, at our state-of-the-art distribution centre, T2, in Tamworth. T2 employees were also in on the action, with many working together to replicate the miles achieved on the road using gym equipment. It’s fair to say that Euro Car Parts staff from across the nation dug deep and let me tell you, the blisters are still healing!
So, why did we put our bodies and minds to the test in this gruelling endeavour you may ask? Well, it was a highly ambitious challenge to raise key funding and awareness for an important cause that’s close to home, our new charity partner, ben.
ben is the automotive industry’s dedicated charity. It does a lot of great work taking care of current and past members of the industry and their families, by focussing on four critical areas of health: physical, mental, financial and social.